Thyroid Nodule ( Cysts)
I haven't merged my blog from my old website yet but due to my current health concerns I wanted to start sharing my findings on thyroid nodules ( cysts) and thyroid conditions in general.
I have mostly kept my thyroid nodule diagnosis to myself and this is the first real time I'm sharing it.
I was diagnosed with a 2.9x2.2cm thyroid nodule in 2023 ( I had known of it since 2021 but delayed doing anything due to my anxiety)
After the birth of my 8th baby I decided it was time to get it checked again, properly. From what we saw the cyst hasn't grown in over a year. Great news, although I required a biopsy as it was looking suspicious.
The biopsy returned with the cytology results finding a thyroid nodule with mild atypia and no carcinoma, graded as U3.
Thanks to the horrendous NHS and doctors who seems to know less about medicine than the lay man I had to Google what all this meant and then call and get a phone app with my Dr to confirm if I was understanding this correctly to which he had said, he wasn't sure what any of it meant.
This lead to me requesting the referral to an endocrinologist as I obviously became very concerned.
I will insert what the NHS terms and explanations are.
4 months wait, I finally see the endocrinologist. He informs me that my cytology ( that was done in that very same hospital) is not on the system.
So basically after a physical examination of my thyroid he agrees to do a follow up scan at the end of January ( 6 months after my previous scan) to which they will decide if they will perform another biopsy or not.